«Las voces del Pamano. Una excelente novela que remueve el pasado y la memoria histórica para sumergirse en las pasiones humanas. » Inés Macpherson, Anika entre libros

Work » Essays

Tres assaigs (Tres assaigs)

Tres assaigs (Tres assaigs)

Ed. Proa. Barcelona 2019

La reunió dels tres assaigs publicats amb l'afegitó d'un pròleg de D. Sam Abrams i amb dos índexs: un de temàtic i l'altre onomàstic.

Les incerteses (Las incertidumbres)

Les incerteses (Las incertidumbres)

Ed. Proa. Barcelona 2015

translated into 1 language
La matèria de l'esperit (The Matter of Spirit)

After 'El sentit de la ficció' ('The Meaning of Fiction'), focused on writing, it was time for the author to reflect on a crucial matter for the novelist: reading.

El sentit de la ficció (The Meaning of Fiction)

An unexpected reflection that came to the author himself about his own creative process.

Jaume Cabré

Jaume Cabré holds a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, is a high school head of department currently on study leave and is a member of the Philology Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

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Some other work

/L'home de Sau
/El llibre de Feixes
/Jo confesso
Readers of literature know that writing is creating and they understand the Polish poetess Wislawa Szymborska when she says that when you pronounce the word 'Nothing' you make something no non-being can hold. Or when she pronounces the word 'Silence', she destroys it