«Crec que no és cap bogeria pensar que Jo confesso podria estar en aquelles llistes que de tant en tant es fan on es recullen les millors novel·les de la història.» Jordi1973, Tot és una mentida

Work » Essays » Les incerteses (Las incertidumbres)

Les incerteses (Las incertidumbres)

Les incerteses (Las incertidumbres)

Ed. Proa. Barcelona 2015


Translations of Les incerteses (Las incertidumbres)

Las incertidumbres
Las incertidumbres
Trad: Ricard Vela.
Ed. Destino.
Barcelona, 2015.

Jaume Cabré

Jaume Cabré holds a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, is a high school head of department currently on study leave and is a member of the Philology Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

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/Jo confesso
What makes a lawyer and a scriptwriter similar to each other? The fact that both earn their living by creating conflict.

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