«Confiteor défie les lois de la narration pour ordonner un chaos magistral et emplir de musique une cathédrale profane.» Babelio

Work » Short stories » Llibre de preludis (Book of preludes)

Llibre de preludis (Book of preludes)

Llibre de preludis (Book of preludes)

Edicions 62. Barcelona, 1985. Ed. Proa. B, 2002

What can happen in a spa when an ex-novice, an apprentice vampire and Claude Debussy, who was only there for a rest, meet each other? And other stories.


Translations of Llibre de preludis (Book of preludes)

Libro de preludios
Libro de preludios
Trad: Enrique Sordo.
Ed. Espasa-Calpe.
Madrid, 1989.

Jaume Cabré

Jaume Cabré holds a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, is a high school head of department currently on study leave and is a member of the Philology Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

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