«Las voces del Pamano. Una excelente novela que remueve el pasado y la memoria histórica para sumergirse en las pasiones humanas. » Inés Macpherson, Anika entre libros

Work » Novels

Consumits pel foc (Consumits pel foc)

Consumits pel foc (Consumits pel foc)

Ed Proa.
Biblioteca A tot vent 745
Barcelona, 2021

translated into 1 language
Jo confesso (Confessions)

Jo confesso (Confessions)

Edicions Proa. Col·lecció Biblioteca A Tot Vent 559. Barcelona, 2011

A novel of novels, Confessions is a love letter written by someone who has loved unconditionally; from someone who feels guilty of a violent death; from someone who can't understand the evil that runs through Western history. It is a novel about the soul of Europe, that which we've received and that which we offer to future generations.

translated into 27 languages
Les veus del Pamano (Voices of Pamano)

Originally a novel about teachers, it ended up as the story of a massive revenge in which maquis (guerrilla fighters), the Pyrenean landscape, the Franco dictatorship, economic interests, the Vatican, a cat and human passion all play leading roles.

translated into 18 languages
L'ombra de l'eunuc (The eunuch's shadow)

Alban Berg said it in the concerto for violin and orchestra. Jaume Cabré says it in this novel.

translated into 13 languages
Senyoria (Honour)

Senyoria (Honour)

Ed. Proa, Barcelona, 1991

The ruthless fight for power in 18th century Barcelona produces a string of victims, some more innocent than others.

translated into 12 languages
Fra Junoy o l'agonia dels sons (Fra Junoy or the agony of sounds)

The organist monk at the convent of Sant Aniol is sent to La Ràpita monastery as the nuns' father confessor. That's when the problems really start.

translated into 3 languages
La teranyina (The spider's web)

La teranyina (The spider's web)

Ed. Proa, Barcelona, 1984

Set in early 20th century Catalonia, this is about the struggle for power within an industrial family against the backdrop of the Setmana Tràgica events (Tragic Week, 25 July to 2 August 1909).

translated into 2 languages
El llibre de Feixes (The Feixes book)

El llibre de Feixes (The Feixes book)

Ed. Proa. Barcelona, 1996

This edition is a gift from the publisher, who decided to bring together La teranyina, Fra Junoy o l'agonia dels sons and Luvowki o la desraó, as a one-volume set of the so-called 'Feixes books'.

Carn d'olla (Stewpot meat)

Carn d'olla (Stewpot meat)

Ed. Moll. Mallorca, 1978. Ed. Proa, B 1999

What do you expect from a character called Barringa Barranga? This is a woman who, when she retired a long time ago, got into the habit of chewing Arbequine olives. We're in the Sant Antoni district in Barcelona, when life was still lived on the street.

Galceran, l'heroi de la guerra negra (Galceran, hero of the Black War)

The legendary bandit of Els Rasos, feared by some, admired by others both for his aggression and for his military talent, can't tell anyone that, basically, he is scared.

Jaume Cabré

Jaume Cabré holds a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, is a high school head of department currently on study leave and is a member of the Philology Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

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Literary language arises from the misunderstanding between reality and desire