«Confiteor défie les lois de la narration pour ordonner un chaos magistral et emplir de musique une cathédrale profane.» Babelio

Work » Children's books

L'Ariadna i la lluna Pruna (L'Ariadna i la lluna Pruna)

L'Ariadna i la lluna Pruna (L'Ariadna i la lluna Pruna)

Editorial Estrella Polar, Barcelona 2020

Illustrations by Queralt Armengol

La Mariona i la Menjanits (La Mariona i la Menjanits)

La Mariona i la Menjanits (La Mariona i la Menjanits)

Editorial Estrella Polar, Barcelona 2017

Illustrations by Romina Martí

translated into 1 language
En Pere i el bosc (Peter and the forest)

En Pere i el bosc (Peter and the forest)

Editorial Estrella Polar, Barcelona 2015

Illustrations by Júlia Sardà

translated into 2 languages
L'any del Blauet (El Blauet's year)

L'any del Blauet (El Blauet's year)

Editorial Estrella Polar, Barcelona 1981-2019

Illustrations by Pep Boatella

L'home de Sau (Sau man)

L'home de Sau (Sau man)

Editorial La Galera, Barcelona 1985

Illustrations by Ismael Balanyà

translated into 1 language
La història que en Roc Pons no coneixia (The history Roc Pons didn't know)

Illustrations by Joan Andreu Vallvé

translated into 1 language

Jaume Cabré

Jaume Cabré holds a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona, is a high school head of department currently on study leave and is a member of the Philology Section of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

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Some other work

/Consumits pel foc
/Fra Junoy o l'agonia dels sons
/Les incerteses
Readers of literature know that writing is creating and they understand the Polish poetess Wislawa Szymborska when she says that when you pronounce the word 'Nothing' you make something no non-being can hold. Or when she pronounces the word 'Silence', she destroys it